31 cal. Paper Cartridge Former Basic Kit
31 cal. Paper Cartridge Former Basic Kit
31 cal. Paper Cartridge Former Basic Kit
31 cal. Paper Cartridge Former Basic Kit
31 cal. Paper Cartridge Former Basic Kit

31 cal. Paper Cartridge Former Basic Kit

The 31 was Sam Colt's most successful revolver. You can conceal it, and the round packs a pretty big punch for its size. In 1849 they didn't have paper cartridges for these guns, and they didn't have Triple Se7en.  Our kit, especially with our cartridge wallet, makes the 31 practical to carry and rely upon for self defense today as it did when there was still an American frontier.

The production process for these tiny paper cartridges has an extra step.  To top off the cylinders and get the most bang, you have to compress it a little as you load the cartridge. We generally fill the dipper full, then dump and compress, then top off with a little more to bring it back to the rim. Then we squish it again with the bullet or ball.

See the directions for a more detailed explanation.  It's still pretty simple. And since there are only two 31s out there, the '49 Pocket and the Baby Dragoon, we were able to really fine tune the instructions. For balls, you have to cut the paper longer as with the larger calibers.

This is our Basic Kit, meaning that you will have to get your own 1/2" or 5/8" circle cutter online, as well as All Purpose glue sticks (not school glue), rolling papers, and lube. We strongly suggest the rice paper rolling papers offered in our kits. Lube can be made easily with 50/50 beeswax and beef tallow, which are on eBay. 

The kit comes with the two piece knob and block for this specific caliber, calibers, or in some cases a specific gun. It also includes the powder dipper or dippers for the correct height of powder, and one funnel, regardless of how many sets you are purchasing. 

All of our kits are engineered to fill the chamber so that the top of a conical bullet reaches the very top of the chamber when compressed with the loading lever. Slight variances in height can be obtained by how much you fill or overfill the dipper. 

For lower power target loads, you fill the powder first, for how much you want to use, then top it off with Cream of Wheat to about an 8th of an inch below the rim of the paper.
For roundballs, if you want them topped right up, you should fill the dipper to overflowing, with a little on the handle.
Experiment with your gun so that you don't run into a situation where the bullet or ball will not compress enough to clear the cylinder. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
If you do get stuck, which most of us have, take your cylinder out and hacksaw the top off of the bullet.

None of our kits come with gunpowder, bullets, caps, or of course the guns in the pictures. Our measurements are based on our experience, and you use them at your own risk.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Eric Hawkins
Cartridges are the way to go!

I use this to make cartridges for a new Uberti 1849 Pocket Model, and it works well. I ground down the powder scoop to throw 11grains of FFFg powder, as that is all I can fit in the gun under the ErasGone conical bullet. It’s tricky assembling the things with such a tiny bullet, but not unmanageable.